I had setup codecov
with gitlab
pipelines a while back and was able to see coverage reports in codecov
. Since the initial setup the reports stopped processing after a few commits, and I have not been able to figure out what I'm doing wrong to get the reports processing again.
In gitlab
pipelines I use tox
and pip install codecov
stage: test
- pip install circuitpython-build-tools Sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme tox codecov
- tox
- codecov -t $CODECOV_TOKEN
- htmlcov/
In tox
I run coverage
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = coverage run -m unittest discover tests/
coverage html
In codecov
I can see where the upload attempts to process, but it fails without much description:
There was an error processing coverage reports.
I've referenced the python tutorials, but can't see what I'm getting wrong.
Looks like maybe this was something on the codecov.io
side. I didn't change anything, but came into coverage reports parsing and the badge working again this morning.