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Sending array of objects via POST not working - Angular

I cannot send an array of FormGroup objects to my backend.

Error: It says: "Unsupported Media Type" "Content type 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8' not supported" error 415.

Previously, it could not deserialize the array into my Java object in my backend because it was not in JSON format, and now I am stuck with this.

I have tried to use JSON.stringify(arrayOfFormGroups) to convert it to JSON, but I do not know why it says I am sending plain/text.

This code gives you the content type error.


// Inserts all the form data into one array
let dataArray: String[] = [this.form1.value, this.form2.value, this.form3.value, this.form4.value];

// Send the form data to the service, which then sends the data to the server (Spring-Boot)
      response => console.log("Success! ", response),
      error => console.error("Error: ", error)

This code makes the array undeserializable for consumption in the backend.


// Inserts all the form data into one array
let dataArray: String[] = [this.form1.value, this.form2.value, this.form3.value, this.form4.value];

// Send the form data to the service, which then sends the data to the server (Spring-Boot)
      response => console.log("Success! ", response),
      error => console.error("Error: ", error)


sendFormData(userData) {
   return<any>("http://localhost:8080/create", userData);


I want to POST my array of FormGroups to my backend as JSON String.


An error occurs when I POST, unsupported content-type plain/text even though I am sending JSON.


  • The solution is to store the data into an object, not an array. The reason is that you cannot send a JSON array to your backend if it only consumes one single object. They are incompatible.


     // User object
      private user = {
        firstName: String,
        lastName: String
    // Populates the user object
    this.user.firstName = this.form1.controls['firstName'].value;
    this.user.lastName = this.form2.controls['lastName'].value;
    // Sends the form data to the service
       response => console.log("Success! ", response),
       error => console.error("Error: ", error)

    I am using multiple form groups because I am using Angular material's stepper in linear mode, which requires each step to have its own FormGroup.

    More on that:

    Also, I had to add a header to my POST:

    My Service

    private header = new HttpHeaders({ 'content-type': 'application/json' });
    constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
    ngOnInit() { }
    sendFormData(userData) {
      return"http://localhost:8080/createAccount", userData, { headers: this.header });

    Good reading on converting objects to JSON VS arrays to JSON: