Here is my code
- step:
name: SSH to Digital Ocean and update docker image
- head ~/.ssh/config
- ssh -i ~/.ssh/config root@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
- docker ps
- docker rm -f gvcontainer
- docker image rm -f myrepo/myimage:tag
- docker pull myrepo/myimage:tag
- docker run --name gvcontainer -p 12345:80 -d=true --restart=always myrepo/myimage:tag
- docker
Here I can see that the Pipeline ssh into my DO droplet successfully, but for some reason (I guess, it was too quick to type the "docker ps"; it should to wait a few seconds, but I just don't know how to postpone the operation) it could not find the container.
So I manually ssh into my droplet and checked, the gvcontainer is there.
Why might be the reasons for this?
The commands listed after your SSH session are not being run on the remote system - they're being run in Pipelines. Since the Pipelines container doesn't have a gvcontainer
to remove, it returns that error.
You have several options, one of which I outlined in answering your other question (pass the commands as arguments to SSH, as in ssh -i /path/to/key user@host "command1 && command2"
). Another option would be to put a script on the droplet that does all the things you want, and have Pipelines execute it via SSH (ssh -i /path/to/key user@host "./"