I use Microsoft Access. Down here I implement OleDb and show you my connectionstring. My Database consists of 3 Tables. Computer, Users, and a "Junction" Table Computerusers. A user can have more than one pc. My goal is to read out every single component of the computer in a DataGridView and it's id, and next to the last component, in the last column the users of the Computer in that Row. For that I need the query, which I have googled for for ages, but haven't found anything besides group concat, which didn't seem realistic for Access, and since I'm almost completely new to programming, a bit too complicated for me, or atleast I didn't find any good explained videos/posts about this for VB.NET
Imports System.Data.OleDb
ConnectionString: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\myFolder\myAccessFile.accdb;
Persist Security Info=False;
Table Users:
us_id | us_firstname | us_lastname | us_departement
1 | Michael | Rotter | IT
2 | Peter | Parker | Photographing
3 | Jonas | Klos | Director
Table Computer
co_id | co_name | co_gpu | co_cpu (6 more columns to this
1 | PC090 | 1080 | 2700X table, ram, psu, etc)
2 | PC040 | 1070 | R5 1600
3 | PC066 | 1060 | i5-6600K
Table Computerusers:
co_id | us_id
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 2
3 | 3
How I want the outcome to be (ignored ram,psu, etc on purpose)
co_id | co_gpu | co_cpu | us_firstname
1 | 1080 | 2700X | Michael, Peter
2 | 1070 | R5 1600 | Peter
3 | 1060 | i5-6600K | Jonas
Code that I use for simply reading out all components from Computer into the DataGridView
Dim con as new oledbconnection(conn), cmd as new oledbcommand(Nothing,
Dim reader as oledbdatareader
cmd.commandtext = "SELECT * FROM Computer"
reader = cmd.executereader
While reader.read
End While
I really hope I have made this as clear as possible. If not, ask right away, and I will try my best. Also this was my first post ever here, I hope I haven't done anything wrong.
You need to join the tables. Your query, based on the descriptions provided, should probably something look like this:
SELECT ComputerUsers.*, Users.*, Computers.* FROM (ComputerUsers INNER JOIN Computers ON ComputerUsers.co_id = Computers.co_id) INNER JOIN Users ON ComputerUsers.us_id = Users.us_id