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Bounding Box Refinement using Reinforcement Learning

I have a model which detects an object and makes a bounding box over it. The problem is that those bounding boxes are not accurate and need to be a little more tight on the object rather than some body parts exceeding the box or some boxes bigger than the object size. I want to apply reinforcement learning to make bounding boxes more accurate as I have the information of perfect bounding boxes which is the target and the input images which have the inaccurate bounding boxes or the inaccurate coordinates. I found a paper online on the exact same topic but I cant find the code for the it builds an environment with defined states, actions and awards. As I am very new to reinforcement learning I can not make the environment from scratch.

Here is the paper

Is this whole approach of using and changing grid size measures as states and actions doable? If yes then can someone please link me to a code preferably on github which builds quite similar environment? If not then can someone give any suggestion of building the environment or what other approach I could use?


  • There is a similar paper:Multi-stage Reinforcement Learning for Object Detection which does the same thing.

    The code for the implementation of the paper can be found here.