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Cannot get Mobile version of website to render in WebdriverIO

I am trying to get the Mobile version of my web page to render in WebdriverIO, but instead, the desktop version is loaded.

I have used the following statement in the test script: browser.setWindowSize(width, height);. The browser opens with the given width and height, but the desktop web page is loaded instead mobile web page

I have used the below statement in test script browser.setWindowSize(411, 823);

❯ Expected results: Mobile version of the website should be rendered

❯ Actual results: Desktop version of the website is rendered


  • So, from what I understand, you want to run mobile tests and you assumed that by resizing the browser window, it will somehow trigger the mobile view?! That's not how it works.

    I see two straightforward approaches:

    1. We emulate the mobiles device in Chrome. We manage this by enabling the Mobile Emulation feature via Chrome DevTools. You will have to specify a custom user-agent & the device type in your chromeOptions via the mobileEmulation property:


    capabilities: [{
        maxInstances: 1,
        browserName: 'chrome',
        chromeOptions: {
            mobileEmulation: {'deviceName': 'Nexus 5'},
            args: [ '--no-sandbox',
                    '--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)
                     AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.100 Safari/537.36'

    This will create a mobile emulation in your Chrome instance, enabling the mobile logic to take effect. Then, you can proceed with your mobile-specific checks.


    • if you're running wdio-v5 (WebdriverIOv5) => add your Chrome options inside the goog:chromeOptions object
    • if you're running wdio-v4 (WebdriverIOv4) => add your Chrome options inside the chromeOptions object
    • deviceName examples: 'iPhone 7', 'iPhone X', 'iPad Mini', 'Galaxy S5', etc.
    • you can find a complete list of user-agents here (Chrome), or here (Firefox)

    2. We use Appium to simulate our mobile devices. We will have to install the @wdio/appium-service WebdriverIO plugin.

    If you haven't worked with Appium before, then THIS is a really nice WebdriverIO/Appium boilerplate project, so you don't have to start from scratch.