I've been trying to make a choropleth map with hcmap
from highcharter
package; I obtained the polygons from my own shapefile because it's a map that is not on the list of highmap's collection.
To do so, first I managed to transform my shapefile to a GeoJson file, as described here: https://blog.exploratory.io/creating-geojson-out-of-shapefile-in-r-40bc0005857d
Later I managed to draw the map using the package geosonio
as described here:
However, I can't figure out how to merge a dataframe with values into the polygons drawn in my map. All the examples availables are merging to mapdata that is in a data.frame format, which I lose when transforming to GeoJson.
Here's my code so far:
#Get map from shapefile
Mymap <- readOGR(dsn="Mymap", "Mymap", verbose = FALSE) %>%
spTransform(CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=WGS84"))
#Transform to geoJson
MymapJSON <- geojson_json(Mymap)
#Use geojsonio to make data compatible with hcmap
Myhcmap <- jsonlite::fromJSON(MymapJSON, simplifyVector = FALSE)
Myhcmap<- geojsonio::as.json(Myhcmap)
#Draw map:
highchart(type = "map") %>%
hc_add_series(mapData = Myhcmap, showInLegend = T)
¿How can I put additional data into the GeoJson so I can draw a choropleth?
I finally got to a solution by myself some time ago, it's was fairly simple but since it's not well documented how to add data to the GeoJSON, I will show it here:
#Work with the map until this step:
Myhcmap <- jsonlite::fromJSON(MymapJSON, simplifyVector = FALSE)
#This part was unnecessary:
#Myhcmap<- geojsonio::as.json(Myhcmap)
#Then, write your map like this:
highchart() %>%
hc_add_series_map(Myhcmap, df, value = "value", joinBy = "ID")
is the dataframe you want to append
is the column name of the data you want to color your map by
is the joining key variable