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How to use Bash Commands in Terraform Template File Variables?

I am using Terraform to configure an Auto Scaling Gitlab Runner. I am having issues when overwriting the runner configuration file (for which I am using Terraform Templates), because the file requires the Runner's Unique Token which is generated after registration.

The configuration file looks like this:

concurrent = 1
check_interval = 60

    name = "POC Group Runner"
    url = ""
    token = "ABCD"
    executor = "docker+machine"
    limit = 1 # max number of docker machines to be created

I want to read this runner token (which is "ABCD") from this file, so that I can use it in a Terraform Template to overwrite the configurations.

In terraform the only "read" function I have is "file", which reads the whole content, and then getting only the token from it becomes a ugly process:

trimspace(replace(split("executor", split("token =", file("/etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml"))[1])[0], "\"", ""))

Is it possible to use Bash Scripts to create variables for templates?

For example I could use the following command to read the token:

cat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml | grep "token =" | awk '//{print $3}' | sed 's/"//g'

But how do I feed that into a template?

Can I do something like this? :

Data "template_file" "runner-config" {
    template = "${file("runner-config.toml")"
    vars = {
        runner_token = "`cat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml | grep "token =" | awk '//{print $3}' | sed 's/"//g'`"

Does anyone have either a better way of reading something specific from a file, or know how to use bash scripts in templates?


  • You have similar problem: Terraform external data in metadata_startup_script.

    how about using external data resource?

    token=$(cat /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml | grep "token =" | awk '//{print $3}' | sed 's/"//g')
    jq -n --arg token $token '{token:$token}'

    or you can use echo ,instead of jq,

    echo -n "{\"token\":\"${token}\"}"


    data "external" "get_token" {
      program = ["/bin/sh", "${path.module}/"]
    data "template_file" "runner-config" {
        template = "${file("runner-config.toml")"
        vars = {
            runner_token = "${lookup(data.external.get_token.result, "token")}"