I'm going to parsing a token value from other .tf file into other .tf file
I have tried to understand this link and also from this article
data "external" "get_token" {
program = ["/bin/sh", "${path.module}/get-token.sh"]
token=$(kubectl -n kube-system exec [POD_NAME] cat /var/lib/kube-proxy/kubeconfig 2>/dev/null | grep token | awk '{print $2}'
metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
- name: kube-proxy
token: ${lookup(data.external.get_token.result, "token")}
certificate-authority-data: ${google_container_cluster.new_container_cluster.master_auth.0.cluster_ca_certificate}
My expectation is
has the value as same as with certificate-authority-data
has a exact value like i expect but the token
is nil or blank.
I have run my get-token.sh
manually and it's good. But when terraform want to parse it, the value is not parsed successfully. I have added '
before and after the variable ${lookup(data.external.get_token.result, "token")}
. Seems not to work.
The program must then produce a valid JSON object on stdout, which will be used to populate the result attribute exported to the rest of the Terraform configuration. This JSON object must again have all of its values as strings. On successful completion it must exit with status zero.
So the script should return a json object.
# add below line for make a json result
jq -n --arg token "$token" '{"token":$token}'
or if there is no jq,
#add below
echo -n "{\"token\":\"${token}\"}"