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Copy files between servers using SCP in ansible?

I have executed a ansible script on my machine. What is does is

1.Copy a file from my machine to a docker container running on a remote machine


2.Execute a command on docker container. That command uses the copied file & sign it.

This is the command

peer channel signconfigtx -f file.pb

Now i want to again copy this signed file to another machine after it is signed in the same ansible script from the docker container where it is now.

I want try SCP but not sure how it will work because it will ask for password.

Can anyone suggest me how can i do this ?


I tried on my local machine to fetch files from remote server but it i get below error

fatal: [user1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unable to create local directories(/home/dhiraj/ansible_practise/playlist/fetched/user1/home/user1/Documents/Blockchain/network/scripts): [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/home/dhiraj/ansible_practise/playlist/fetched/user1'"}

below is my ansible script

 - name:  Fetching a file from remote server
        src: "/home/user1/Documents/Blockchain/network/scripts/file.pb"
        dest: fetched


  • Instead of copying files directly bertween servers what i have done is i used fetch module of ansible. In fetch i just had to define source path and destination path.

    Here is sample

       - name:  Fetching a file from remote server
            src: "{{ DEST }}/Documents/Blockchain/network/scripts/file.pb"
            dest: /home/fetched/
            flat: yes // it will not create dir strcuture as same as source
            validate_checksum: false