I have a function in MainWindow.cs that gets a list from Database.
I have CRUD functionality to manipulate the list. I open a new window to ADD new item in list. After saving new item in DB. I am calling GetList function of Main Window from current window. But the Problem is, List is not updating on UI. I know i am making new refernce of Main Window in new window and may be that is the reason my list is not updating. But i also dont know how to do it. . My .CS code to get the List is:-
`public List<VaultRecordLine> GetVaultRecordLines()
weekTaskView = new WeekTaskViewModel();
var result = weekTaskView.getVaultRecordLines();
List<VaultRecordLine> list = new List<VaultRecordLine>();
foreach (var item in result.Entities)
VaultRecordLine vrl = new VaultRecordLine();
if (item.Attributes.Contains("createdby"))
vrl.CreatedBy = item.Attributes["createdby"].ToString();
if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_account"))
vrl.Host = item.Attributes["new_account"].ToString();
if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_login"))
vrl.Login = item.Attributes["new_login"].ToString();
if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_password"))
vrl.Password = item.Attributes["new_password"].ToString();
if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_vaultid"))
vrl.Id = new Guid(item.Attributes["new_vaultid"].ToString());
gdDecryptVault.ItemsSource = list;
gdDecryptVault.Items.Refresh();// This line refreshes the List
return list;
private void btnOpenModal_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
AddNewVaultLineModalWindow modalWindow = new AddNewVaultLineModalWindow();
Calling Window Code-
private void saveNewVaultLine_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WeekTaskViewModel weekTaskView;
MainWindow mw;
weekTaskView = new WeekTaskViewModel();
mw = new MainWindow();
VaultRecordLine vaultRecordLine = new VaultRecordLine();
vaultRecordLine.Host = Host.Text;
vaultRecordLine.Login = Login.Text;
vaultRecordLine.Password = Password.Text;
vaultRecordLine.IsPasswordVisible = (bool)PrivatePassword.IsChecked;
mw.GetVaultRecordLines();// This Lines call the Main Window function to get records to list
Before calling second window from the main window sent main window referance to second window then do the changes in this referance. Sample:
class MainWindow
public void callToSecondWindow(){
SecondForm sf = new SecondForm();
sf.firstWindowRef = this;
class SecondWindow
MainWindow mvRef;
private void saveNewVaultLine_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
WeekTaskViewModel weekTaskView;
weekTaskView = new WeekTaskViewModel();
VaultRecordLine vaultRecordLine = new VaultRecordLine();
vaultRecordLine.Host = Host.Text;
vaultRecordLine.Login = Login.Text;
vaultRecordLine.Password = Password.Text;
vaultRecordLine.IsPasswordVisible = (bool)PrivatePassword.IsChecked;
mvRef.GetVaultRecordLines();// This Lines call the Main Window function to get records to list