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Updating Main Window List from another window

I have a function in MainWindow.cs that gets a list from Database.

I have CRUD functionality to manipulate the list. I open a new window to ADD new item in list. After saving new item in DB. I am calling GetList function of Main Window from current window. But the Problem is, List is not updating on UI. I know i am making new refernce of Main Window in new window and may be that is the reason my list is not updating. But i also dont know how to do it. . My .CS code to get the List is:-

`public List<VaultRecordLine> GetVaultRecordLines()
            weekTaskView = new WeekTaskViewModel();
            var result = weekTaskView.getVaultRecordLines();
            List<VaultRecordLine> list = new List<VaultRecordLine>();
            foreach (var item in result.Entities)
                VaultRecordLine vrl = new VaultRecordLine();

                if (item.Attributes.Contains("createdby"))
                    vrl.CreatedBy = item.Attributes["createdby"].ToString();
                if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_account"))
                    vrl.Host = item.Attributes["new_account"].ToString();
                if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_login"))
                    vrl.Login = item.Attributes["new_login"].ToString();
                if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_password"))
                    vrl.Password = item.Attributes["new_password"].ToString();
                if (item.Attributes.Contains("new_vaultid"))
                    vrl.Id = new Guid(item.Attributes["new_vaultid"].ToString());

                gdDecryptVault.ItemsSource = list;
                gdDecryptVault.Items.Refresh();// This line refreshes the List
            return list;


 private void btnOpenModal_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        AddNewVaultLineModalWindow modalWindow = new AddNewVaultLineModalWindow();


Calling Window Code-

 private void saveNewVaultLine_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        WeekTaskViewModel weekTaskView;
        MainWindow mw;
        weekTaskView = new WeekTaskViewModel();
        mw = new MainWindow();
        VaultRecordLine vaultRecordLine = new VaultRecordLine();
        vaultRecordLine.Host = Host.Text;
        vaultRecordLine.Login = Login.Text;
        vaultRecordLine.Password = Password.Text;
        vaultRecordLine.IsPasswordVisible = (bool)PrivatePassword.IsChecked;
        mw.GetVaultRecordLines();// This Lines call the Main Window function to get records to list


  • Before calling second window from the main window sent main window referance to second window then do the changes in this referance. Sample:

    class MainWindow
        public void callToSecondWindow(){
            SecondForm sf = new  SecondForm();
            sf.firstWindowRef = this;
    class SecondWindow
        MainWindow mvRef;
        private void saveNewVaultLine_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            WeekTaskViewModel weekTaskView;
            weekTaskView = new WeekTaskViewModel();
            VaultRecordLine vaultRecordLine = new VaultRecordLine();
            vaultRecordLine.Host = Host.Text;
            vaultRecordLine.Login = Login.Text;
            vaultRecordLine.Password = Password.Text;
            vaultRecordLine.IsPasswordVisible = (bool)PrivatePassword.IsChecked;
            mvRef.GetVaultRecordLines();// This Lines call the Main Window function to get records to list