i have a bootstrap-vue input on a modal
<b-form-input id="inputText1" ref="inputText1" v-model="inputText" autofocus></b-form-input>
the modal is a bootstrap-vue modal and the show/hide is controlled by a v-if directive.
When the modal is opened the input has focus. If i close the modal the input doesn't have focus anymore.
I have tried to set the autofocus property each time the modal is mounted but it still doesn't focus. I have tried using $nextTick also.
I recomend to you use v-model
with vue bootstrap modal
<b-button @click="showModal= !showModal">Open your bmodal</b-button>
<b-modal v-model="showModal">Yor modal is active!</b-modal>
<b-form-input id="inputText1" ref="inputText1" v-model="inputText" autofocus></b-form-input>
vue code
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
showModal: false
// set the focus when the modal opened/closed
// set the focus when the component opened
methods: {