I am using exporting neo4j all db to json using apoc APIs & again importing with same. Import query executes successfully but cannot find any data in neo4j.
Export query:
CALL apoc.export.json.all('complete-db.json',{useTypes:true, storeNodeIds:false})
Import query:
CALL apoc.load.json('complete-db.json')
When I execute:
It shows no results found.
This is a little bit confusing but apoc.load.json
just reads
(loads) data from the JSON File/URL.
It doesn't import
the data or create
the graph. You need to create the graph(nodes and/or relationships) using the Cypher statements
In this case, you just read the file and didn't do anything with it so statement executed successfully. Your query isn't an import query, it's a JSON load query.
Refer the following example for import using apoc.load.json
CALL apoc.load.json('complete-db.json') YIELD value
UNWIND value.items AS item
CREATE (i:Item(name:item.name, id:item.id)