I use the imaplib library to work with emails. I want to find all emails from one person. The next code doesn't work for all messages:
typ, data = con.search(None, 'FROM "name.surname@testmail.com"')
sometimes I need to set something like this to find that messages:
typ, data = con.search(None, 'FROM "Surname, Name"')
and I cannot find a message by email. If I understand correct, it's only for messages in html format.
That code will print next:
"Surname, Name" <name.surname@testmail.com>
<class 'str'>
Why search function doesn't search in this string all possible mentions? Doesn't it work like a normal string search? How should I search, if I want to find all messages with email '@testmail.com', not from a specific person?
I have found an answer here: IMAP search for email address in the from field
Just use next as a filter:
(HEADER FROM "name.surname@testmail.com")