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Is there a way, to "emit" a built in event, by hard coding it in Vue instance?

I would like to link two components with each other in my Vue project. I use two-way binding for that, so I have a parent, and two child components.

The concept:

We see a carousel in the left side of the screen, and we see an accordion in the right side. I built the carousel and the accordions with v-for from a database file.

When I click in some of the accordion it drops down, and I need a reaction from a carousel component, to slide exactly there, where I clicked in the accordion.


carousel: banana, apple, house

accordion: banana, apple house

So when im clicking in the apple accordion button, I need the slider to go to the where are the apple is displayed, and reverse.

As I said, I already bind the two components to each other, so when I'm clicking one of the accordion buttons like @click="onShowStart(index)", I get that index in the another child too, and it's changing dynamically vica-versa by sliding or clicking. So the indexes are already linked and its dynamic.

My problem is I don't know how to trigger an event, like @sliding-start from vue instance in the watch field. So I watch the "actualPosition" prop in my component, and when its changed (from 3 to 1 for example), I would like to start a sliding event to the new value of the actualPosition.

So i need something like:

 this.$emit('sliding-start', actualPosition);

I've been sitting at this problem for days, but I think my whole thinking is wrong. But before i believe this, im asking you first.

Here is my code for the Parent component:

        <div class="row">
            <carousel :actualPosition="actualPosition" class="col bg-dark" @sendTheCarouselPosition="updateAccordion($event)"></carousel>
            <accordion :actualPosition="actualPosition" class="col bg-dark" @sendTheAccordionlPosition="updateCarousel($event)"></accordion>

    export default {

        data() {
            return {
                actualPosition: null,

            updateAccordion: function (updatedAccordion){
                this.actualPosition = updatedAccordion;
            updateCarousel: function(updatedSlider){
                this.actualPosition = updatedSlider

My Accordion component:

    <div role="tablist">
        <b-card no-body class="mb-1" v-for="(item, index) in dataForProject">
            <b-card-header header-tag="header" class="p-1" role="tab">
                <b-button block href="#" v-b-toggle="'accordion-' + index" variant="info" @click="onShowStart(index)" >{{ item.title }}</b-button>
            <b-collapse :id="'accordion-' + index" visible accordion="my-accordion" role="tabpanel">

                        <h1>data from Carousel sibling: {{ actualPosition }}</h1>

                    <b-card-text>{{ item.content }}</b-card-text>

    import myDataBase from '../data2'

    export default {


            actualPosition: function () {


        data() {
            return {
                dataForProject: myDataBase,

            onShowStart: function (accordionIndex) {
                this.$emit('sendTheAccordionlPosition', accordionIndex);



And my Carousel component:

        <p class="mt-4 text-white">
            data from Accordion sibling: {{ actualPosition }}
                style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #333;"

            <b-carousel-slide v-for="(item, index) in dataForProject" :id="index" >
                        class="d-block img-fluid w-100"
                        alt="image slot"

    import myDataBase from '../data2'

    export default {

        watch: {
            actualPosition: function () {


        data() {
            return {
                //slide: 0,
                dataForProject: myDataBase,
        methods: {
            onSlideStart(slide) {
                this.$emit('sendTheCarouselPosition', slide);
            onSlideEnd(slide) {




  • Okay, so my whole concept was wrong, and i was wrong about this.

    I should have used the v-model for this whole thing. And nothing more.

    I added the v-model to the target tags, and my problem is solved.