I have an source observable that emits when you click. I want to make an operator that emits like the next marble diagram ...
That is, it emits when making the first click. Then, it emits when you have 2 items, then it emits when you have 3 items, etc.
I know that can be done with scan and filter operators, but my question is, if it is possible to do it with the bufferWhen operator?.
I tried to do it (like this), but the result is not what I expected (the first click is not emitted immediately).
It works as follow code. Try avoid reusing source in bufferWhen
, there may be race condition
const source$ = fromEvent(document, 'click').pipe(
map(_ => new Date())
tap(d => console.log('CLICK:', d)),
bufferWhen(() => {
return source$