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How to convert into RPN(Reverse Polish notation) in Scala?

I tried to convert formula to RPN(Reverse Polish Notation) in Scala.


But I couldn't write any code.

object RPNCalclator {

  def convertToRPN(expr: String): String = {

  def calcRPN(expr: String): Double = {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val expr = "4 * ( 8 + 4 + 3 )"
    val rpn = convertToRPN(expr) // " 4 8 4 3 + + *"

I want to make it clear how to write convertToRPN code.

For example,

  • 4 + 5 -> 4 5 +
  • 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 -> 1 2 3 * 4 + +
  • ( 1 + 2 ) * ( 3 + 4 ) -> 1 2 + 3 4 + *


  • You really need a full fledged grammar parser for this, but here's something quick-n-dirty.

    def convertToRPN(expr :String, ops :String = "") :String = {
      val str = expr.strip
      if (str.isEmpty) ops.mkString(" ")         //done?
      else if (str.head == '(') {                //start of parentheses
        val spltAt = str.iterator.scanLeft(0){case (lvl,c) =>
          if (c=='(') lvl+1 else if (c==')') lvl-1 else lvl
        val (paren, s) = str.splitAt(spltAt)
        s"${convertToRPN(paren.tail)} ${convertToRPN(s.tail, ops)}"
      } else {
        val (token, s) = str.span(_ != ' ')
        if (util.Try(token.toDouble).isSuccess)  //is number
          s"$token ${convertToRPN(s, ops)}"
        else if (token matches "[*/]")           //is higher precedence op
          convertToRPN(s, s"$token$ops")
        else if (token matches "[-+]") {         //is lower precedence op
          ops.headOption.fold(convertToRPN(s, s"$token$ops")){
            case '-'|'+' => convertToRPN(s, s"$token$ops")
            case _ =>
              s"${ops.head} ${convertToRPN(s, s"$token${ops.tail}")}"
        } else throw new Error(s"unable to parse token: $token")

    Yeah, I know, that's a lot of code for something "quick-n-dirty". It's recursive, but not tail-recursive. (That would have been a bit dirtier.)

    This should work for most kinds of number formats, including negative numbers, but it does rely on space separators so something like 1+2 won't parse.

    calcRPN() should be relatively easy compared to this.