I have a list of data frames. I want to add a new column to each data frame. For example, I have three data frames as follows:
a = data.frame("Name" = c("John","Dor"))
b = data.frame("Name" = c("John2","Dor2"))
c = data.frame("Name" = c("John3","Dor3"))
I then put them into a list:
dfs = list(a,b,c)
I then want to add a new column with a unique value to each data frame, e.g.:
dfs[1]$new_column <- 5
But I get the following error:
"number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length"
I have also tried using two brackets:
dfs[[1]]$new_column <- 5
This does not return an error but it does not add the column.
This would be in a 'for' loop and a different value would be added to each data frame.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Let's say you want to add a new column with value 5:7
for each dataframe. We can use Map
new_value <- 5:7
Map(cbind, dfs, new_column = new_value)
# Name new_column
#1 John 5
#2 Dor 5
# Name new_column
#1 John2 6
#2 Dor2 6
# Name new_column
#1 John3 7
#2 Dor3 7
With lapply
you could do
lapply(seq_along(dfs), function(i) cbind(dfs[[i]], new_column = new_value[i]))
Or as @camille mentioned it works if you use [[
for indexing in the for
for (i in seq_along(dfs)) {
dfs[[i]]$new_column <- new_value[[i]]
The equivalent purrr
version of this would be
map2(dfs, new_value, cbind)
map(seq_along(dfs), ~cbind(dfs[[.]], new_colum = new_value[.]))