Is there a way in GCP to explicitly allow firewall rule only from cloud shell. All the GCP demos and videos add the rule allow 22 to to ssh to the instance from cloud shell.
However is there a way we could restrict the access only from cloud shell - either using cloud shell's IP range or service account ?
Google does not publish the public IP address range for Cloud Shell.
VPC firewall rules allow specifying the service account of the source and target. However, Cloud Shell does not use a service account. Cloud Shell uses the identity of the person logged into the Google Cloud Console. This means OAuth 2 User Credentials. User Credentials are not supported for VPC Firewall rules.
My recommendation is to use TCP forwarding and tunnel SSH through IAP (Identity Aware Proxy). Google makes this easy in the Cloud SDK CLI.
Open a Cloud Shell in the Google Cloud Console. Then run this command:
gcloud compute ssh NAME_OF_VM_INSTANCE --tunnel-through-iap
This also works for VM instances that do not have public IP addresses.
The Identity Aware Proxy CIDR netblock is
. Create a VPC Firewall rule that allows SSH traffic from this block. This rule will prevent public SSH traffic and only allow authorized traffic thru Identity Aware Proxy.