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Find GET Attribute in jQuery Ajax

I getting data from a Webpage and it have a jQuery Ajax Request. its Method is GET and it have some data, i wanna know how i can send request with cURL-php.

i did run a curl session and send data with curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$datas) but it didn't respond.

// $.ajax({type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', url : '', data: $('#media_form').serialize()})
// $('#media_form').serialize() = string=string&

actually i put #media_form data in an array into postfields in cURL, but in fact i even dont know how should i send request. how should i send data in GET without any Attribute ?


  • GET parameters are put in the URL, not the POST fields.

    So it should be:

    $url = '';

    You can use the http_build_str() function to construct the query string from an associative array of parameters.