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How to get mapbox style openmap with API key?

I'm trying to make a map in R using OpenStreetMap library.

I had no problem using types such as osm, stamen-toner, stamen-terrain and stamen-watercolor, for instance:

map <- openproj(openmap(c(63.47,10.32),c(63.37,10.54),type='osm'),proj=CRS('+init=epsg:32632'))

works just fine:


I'll add the points over that layer. However, my client wants a map-box type, but when I run

map <- openproj(openmap(c(63.47,10.32),c(63.37,10.54),type='mapbox'),proj=CRS('+init=epsg:32632'))

I get the following error:

failed loading 12/2165/1106 Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:
    at edu.cens.spatial.RTileController.getTileValues(
    at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at RJavaTools.invokeMethod(
Error in osmtile(x%%nX, y, zoom, type) : 
  could not obtain tile: 2165 1106 12

I know I need an API key. I've created one at MapBox site. But now, how do I get a map of map-box type? The examples given are like

apiKey <- paste0('?access_token=','{my key}')
baseUrl <- '{z}/{x}/{y}'
map <- openproj(openmap(c(63.47,10.32),c(63.37,10.54),type=paste0(baseUrl,apiKey)),proj=CRS('+init=epsg:32632'))

I tried replacing satellite-streets-v9 with mapbox or simply deleting this directory, but it doesn't work. I don't know how to add my API key to the original command openmap(c(63.47,10.32),c(63.37,10.54),type='mapbox'). I couldn't find anything useful on mapbox's website, either.


  • I had to enter Mapbox Studio, create a default style (similar to the mapbox style I desired), to see on the "Layer overview" window that their default theme is called "Mapbox Streets v8". From there, I guessed that I should use{z}/{x}/{y}

    as my baseUrl. And it worked!