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QWT Installation trouble

I'm trying to install QWT for QT Creator on Windows 10 x64. I'm totally new to this framework.

Following the guidelines:

  1. Setup the newest QT Creator with (QT Mingw 7.3.0 x32 and Mingw 7.3.0 x32 tool)
  2. Run mingw 7.3 and run following commands:

    • qmake
    • mingw32-make (here i have many "DEPRECATED" warnings on compilator run.
    • mingw32-make install
  3. After it completes, I add path to QWT\lib in environment variables.

  4. In user variables, I add QMAKEFEATURES with qwt\features variable.
  5. In QT Creator project, created before, in file "*.pro" I add next strings:

    • INCLUDEPATH += C:/QWT/include
    • LIBS += -LC:/QWT/lib–lqwt

Also I include in the project header.

#include <QWidget>
#include <QtGui>
#include <qwt_plot.h>
#include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
#include <qglobal.h>

Now, when I try to run an example project, I get the following error:

error: undefined reference to `QwtPlot::QwtPlot(QWidget*)'

Google says - that means unconnected QWT lib, but what im doing wrong?


  • Ok, solution found, im followed next steps:

    1. In *.pro file im add

      CONFIG += qwt

    2. Add additional user variable in enivromental variables


    3. Add additional paths in enivromental variables



    I dont know which was helpfull, but now project compiles without any errors.