When using Vapor to build a API, always use a method to fetch a object,
It seems a method to extract the url parameter, why it return the result from the database ? Could not found any clues from the framework's source code. How can I find the answer ? Thanks.
This how Parameter
protocol looks like
public protocol Parameter {
associatedtype ResolvedParameter
static var routingSlug: String { get }
static func resolveParameter(_ parameter: String, on container: Container) throws -> ResolvedParameter
when you conform anything to Parameter
you should implement this function
static func resolveParameter(_ parameter: String, on container: Container) throws -> ResolvedParameter
which should parse string parameter from URL and return some object as a result. And as Parameter
is generic you can return any type you want.
Let's write an extension to conform Date
to Parameter
extension Date: Parameter {
public static func resolveParameter(_ parameter: String, on container: Container) throws -> Date {
guard let timeIntervalSince1970 = TimeInterval(parameter) else {
throw Abort(.notAcceptable, reason: "Unable to parse \"\(parameter)\" parameter")
return Date(timeIntervalSince1970: timeIntervalSince1970)
's method parses String
parameter from URL and returnsDate
, but you also can return something else, e.g. TimeInterval
since Parameter
is generic protocol
extension Date: Parameter {
public static func resolveParameter(_ parameter: String, on container: Container) throws -> TimeInterval {
guard let timeIntervalSince1970 = TimeInterval(parameter) else {
throw Abort(.notAcceptable, reason: "Unable to parse \"\(parameter)\" parameter")
return timeIntervalSince1970
When you conform your Fluent model to Parameter
it already have an implementation for Parameter
protocol in its extensions, that's why you shouldn't declare resolveParameter
function manually.
Let's take a look how it works if you declare resolveParameter
method manually in e.g. User
extension User {
public static func resolveParameter(_ parameter: String, on container: Container) throws -> Future<User> {
// e.g. User's primary key is UUID
guard let id = UUID(parameter) else {
throw Abort(.notAcceptable, reason: "Unable to parse \"\(parameter)\" into UUID")
// getting database connection from pool
return container.requestPooledConnection(to: .psql).flatMap { conn in
// querying user by provided primary key
return User.query(on: conn)
.filter(\.id == id)
.unwrap(or: Abort(.notFound, reason: "Unable to find user by provided primary key"))
.always {
// will release connection in any case
try? container.releasePooledConnection(conn, to: .psql)
So as you can see you can implement resolveParameter
to return anything you want.