I am trying to add (key, value) pairs to a hashmap but cannot access the values after insertion.
This hash table is supposed to deal with collisions as I am iterating along each hash index whenever a collision occurs. I then insert it when I have reached the end of the (key, value) pair list at that index.
Essentially it is a basic linked list hashmap.
The problem is, I keep getting a segmentation fault when I try to access the value again (and my showTable()
function also fails). In this test, I am simply trying to access the first (key, value) pair at each hash index after something is added at that hash index. I am probably doing something very silly but I see it.
I have not yet commented but I hope the code is self explanatory. The important bit is InsertKeyValuePair()
but I have added everything as a code review would also be beneficial.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct TVal KeyValue;
typedef struct TVal {
char *value;
char *key;
KeyValue *next;
} KeyValue;
typedef KeyValue **HashTable;
int MAX_SIZE = 200;
int HashKey(char *Key, int Max);
void InsertKeyValuePair(char *key, char *value, int Index, HashTable table);
int insert(char *Key, char *value, HashTable table, int size);
void showTable(HashTable table, int size);
int HashKey(char *Key, int Max) {
char c = *Key;
int Hash = 0;
int n = 1;
while (c != 0) {
Hash += n * ((int)c);
c = *(Key + n);
return Hash % MAX_SIZE;
void InsertKeyValuePair(char *key, char *value, int Index, HashTable table) {
KeyValue *cursor = *(table + Index);
while (cursor != NULL) {
cursor = cursor->next;
cursor = malloc(sizeof(KeyValue));
cursor->value = value;
cursor->key = key;
printf("insert <K,V>(%s,%s) HashIndex = %i\n", cursor->key, cursor->value, Index);
//Trying to access value previously inserted
KeyValue *cursor2 = *(table + Index);
printf("<K,V>(%s,%s)\n", cursor2->key, cursor2->value);
int insert(char *Key, char *value, HashTable table, int size) {
int Index = HashKey(Key, MAX_SIZE);
InsertKeyValuePair(Key, value, Index, table);
return size + 1;
void showTable(HashTable table, int size) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
KeyValue *cursor = *(table + i);
if (cursor == NULL)
while (cursor != NULL) {
printf("<K,V>(%s,%s)\n", cursor->key, cursor->value);
cursor = cursor->next;
int main() {
HashTable HTbl = malloc(sizeof(HashTable) * MAX_SIZE);
int size = 0;
size = insert("yeuydfdan", "wesfg", HTbl, size);
size = insert("ywere", "rdgg", HTbl, size);
size = insert("ye4", "3244", HTbl, size);
//showTable(HTbl, MAX_SIZE);
There are multiple problems in your code:
, causing segmentation faults when trying to dereference the pointers it contains. Allocating with calloc()
would fix this problem.main
should read HashTable HTbl = calloc(sizeof(*HTbl), MAX_SIZE);
does not link the new pair at the end, nor at the beginning of the hashtable bucket list.unsigned
arithmetics to compute the hash key to avoid overflow issues.*(table + Index)
is confusing. You should use the array notation table[Index]
) and the number of entries in the hashtable (size
). Renaming the variables appropriately may improve readability. It is also probably better to pass the count by address and return a success indicator.Here is a corrected version:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct TVal KeyValue;
typedef struct TVal {
const char *value;
const char *key;
KeyValue *next;
} KeyValue;
typedef KeyValue **HashTable;
static unsigned int HASH_SIZE = 200;
static unsigned int HashKey(const char *key);
static KeyValue *InsertKeyValuePair(const char *key, const char *value, int index, HashTable table);
static int insert(const char *Key, const char *value, HashTable table, int *countp);
static void showTable(HashTable table);
static unsigned int HashKey(const char *key) {
unsigned int hash = 0;
size_t n;
for (n = 0; key[n] != 0; n++) {
hash += n * (unsigned char)key[n];
return hash % HASH_SIZE;
static KeyValue *InsertKeyValuePair(const char *key, const char *value, int index, HashTable table) {
KeyValue *cursor;
cursor = malloc(sizeof(KeyValue));
if (cursor != NULL) {
KeyValue **cursorp = &table[index];
while (*cursorp != NULL) {
cursorp = &(*cursorp)->next;
cursor->value = value;
cursor->key = key;
cursor->next = NULL;
*cursorp = cursor;
return cursor;
static int insert(const char *key, const char *value, HashTable table, int *countp) {
int index = HashKey(key);
if (InsertKeyValuePair(key, value, index, table)) {
*countp += 1;
return 1;
return 0;
static void showTable(HashTable table) {
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) {
KeyValue *cursor = table[i];
if (cursor == NULL)
while (cursor != NULL) {
printf("<K,V>(%s,%s)\n", cursor->key, cursor->value);
cursor = cursor->next;
int main() {
HashTable HTbl = calloc(sizeof(*HTbl), HASH_SIZE);
int count = 0;
insert("yeuydfdan", "wesfg", HTbl, &count);
insert("ywere", "rdgg", HTbl, &count);
insert("ye4", "3244", HTbl, &count);
return 0;