I have a method defined as:
public Task<ReturnsMessage> Function()
var task = Task.Run(() =>
var result = SyncMethod();
return new ReturnMessage(result);
if (task.Wait(delay))
return task;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ReturnMessage>();
return tcs.Task;
Now it is called in a loop based on maxAttempts value:
(method name RetryableInvoke)
for (var i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++)
return Function().Result;
catch (Exception e)
It works perfectly fine, however when there is a massive load I am finding that the threads are increasing drastically and dump is showing me this warnings:
Can anyone suggest me the best possible way to handle this situation, so that I don't see any kind of deadlocks?
You are not deadlocking the application. While Task.Run
would execute the delegate on a background thread, the following call of Task.Wait
effectively converts the originally concurrent Task.Run
code back to synchronous code: Task.Wait
and Task.Result
synchronously wait for the Task
to complete.
What you assume to be a deadlock is rather the result of a frozen main thread, caused by synchronously waiting for a long-running operation to complete.
Below the provided solutions is a section that briefly explains how Task.Result
, Task.Wait
and Task.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
can create a real deadlock.
Although the Task
related deadlock and your frozen main thread have different causes, the solution to both is similar: convert the synchronous code to an asynchronous version by introducing async/await
. This will keep the main thread responsive.
Using async/await
will replace the synchronous Task.Wait
and also make Task.Result
The following two examples show how to convert your synchronous version to asynchronous code and provide two solutions to implement a timeout for a Task
: the first and not recommended solution uses Task.WhenAny
together with cancellation.
The second and recommended solution uses the timeout feature of the CancellationTokenSource
It is generally recommended to check the class API for asynchronous versions instead of using Task.Run
. In case your 3rd party library exposes an asynchronous API you should use this to replace the Task.Run
. This is because true asynchronous implementations access the kernel to use the system's hardware to execute code asynchronously without the need to create background threads.
(not recommended)This example uses the characteristic of Task.WhenAny
which awaits a set of Task
objects and returns the one that completes first and we usually cancel the remaining ones.
When creating a timed Task
for example by using Task.Delay
and pass it along with other Task
objects to Task.WhenAny
, we can create a race: if the timed task completes first, we can cancel the remaining Task
public async Task<ReturnMessage> FunctionAsync()
using var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Create the Task with cancellation support
var task = Task.Run(
() =>
// Check if the task needs to be cancelled
// because the timeout task ran to completion first
// It is recommended to pass a CancellationToken to the
// SyncMethod() too to allow more fine grained cancellation
var result = SyncMethod(cancellationTokenSource.Token);
return new ReturnMessage(result);
}, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
// Create a timeout Task with cancellation support
var timeoutTask = Task.Delay(timeout, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
Task firstCompletedTask = await Task.WhenAny(task, timeoutTask);
// Cancel the remaining Task that has lost the race.
if (firstCompletedTask == timeoutTask)
// The 'timoutTask' has won the race and has completed before the delay.
// Return an empty result.
// Because the cancellation was triggered inside this class,
// we can avoid to re-throw the OperationCanceledException
// and return an error/empty result.
return new ReturnMessage(null);
// The 'task' has won the race, therefore
// return its result
return await task;
constructor overload (recommended)This example uses a specific constructor overload that accepts a TimeSpan
to configure a timeout. When the defined timeout has expired the CancellationTokeSource
will automatically cancel itself.
public async Task<ReturnsMessage> FunctionAsync()
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
using (var timeoutCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout))
return await Task.Run(
() =>
// Check if the timeout has elapsed
// Allow every called method to invoke the cancellation
var result = SyncMethod(timeoutCancellationTokenSource.Token);
return new ReturnMessage(result);
}, timeoutCancellationTokenSource.Token);
catch (OperationCanceledException)
// Return an empty result.
// Because the cancellation was triggered inside this class,
// we can avoid to re-throw the OperationCanceledException
// and return an error/empty result.
return new ReturnMessage(null);
To complete both of the above examples that converted the originally synchronous code (Function()
to asynchronous code (FunctionAsync()
), we have to await
the new method properly:
// The caller of this new asynchronous version must be await this method too.
// `await` must be used up the call tree whenever a method defined as `async`.
public async Task<ReturnMessage> void RetryableInvokeAsync()
ReturnMessage message = null;
for (var i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++)
message = await FunctionAsync();
// Never use exceptions to control the flow.
// Control the for-loop using a condition based on the result.
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Text))
return message;
, Task.Wait
and Task.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
create a deadlock when used with async
codeFirst, because a method is defined using the async
key word it supports asynchronous execution of operations with the help of the await
operator. Common types that support await
are Task
, Task<TResult>
, ValueTask
, ValueTask<TResult>
or any object that matches the criteria of an awaitable expression.
Inside the async
method the await
captures the SynchronizationContext
of the calling thread, the thread it is executed on. await
will also create a callback for the code that follows the await
statement, called "continuation".
This callback is enqueued on the captured SynchronizationContext
(by using SynchronizationContext.Post
) and executed once the awaitable (e.g., Task
) has signalled its completion.
Now that the callback is enqueued (stored) for later execution, await
allows the current thread to continue to do work asynchronously while executing the awaitable.
basically instructs the compiler to create a state machine.
Given is the following example that produces three potential deadlocks:
public void RetryableInvoke()
// Potential deadlock #1.
// Result forces the asynchronous method to be executed synchronously.
string textMessage = FunctionAsync().Result;
// Potential deadlock #2.
// Wait forces the asynchronous method to be executed synchronously.
// The caller is literally waiting for the Task to return.
textMessage = FunctionAsync().Wait();
// Potential deadlock #3.
// Task.GetAwaiter().GetResult() forces the asynchronous method to be executed synchronously.
// The caller is literally waiting for the Task to return.
textMessage = FunctionAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
private async Task<string> FunctionAsync()
// Capture the SynchronizationContext of the caller's thread by awaiting the Task.
// Because the calling thread synchronously waits, the callers context is not available to process the continuation callback.
// This means that the awaited Task can't complete and return to the captured context ==> deadlock
string someText = await Task.Run(
() =>
/* Background thread context */
return "A message";
Code after the await is the continuation context
and is executed on the captured SynchronizationContext of the
thread that called FunctionAsync.
In case ConfigureAwait is explicitly set to false,
the continuation is the same as the context of the background thread.
// The following lines can only be executed
// after the awaited Task has successfully returned (to the captured SynchronizationContext)
someText += " More text";
return someText;
In the above example Task.Run
executes the delegate on a new ThreadPool
thread. Because of the await
the caller thread can continue to execute other operations instead of just waiting.
Once the Task
has signaled its completed, the pending enqueued continuation callback is ready for execution on the captured SynchronizationContext
This requires the caller thread to stop its current work to finish the remaining code that comes after the await
statement by executing the continuation callback.
The above example breaks the asynchronous concept by using Task.Wait
, Task.Result
and Task.GetAwaiter().GetResult()
. This Task
members will synchronously wait and therefore effectively cause the Task
to execute synchronously, which means:
a) The caller thread will block itself (wait) until the Task
is completed. Because the thread is now synchronously waiting it is not able to do anything else. If instead the invocation had been asynchronously using async/await
, then instead of waiting, the parent thread will continue to execute other operations (e.g., UI related operations in case of a UI thread) until the Task
signals its completion.
Because of the synchronous waiting the caller thread can't execute the pending continuation callback.
b) The Task
signals completion but can't return until the continuation callback has executed. The remaining code (the code after Task.Wait
) is supposed to be executed on captured SynchronizationContext
, which is the caller thread.
Since the caller thread is still synchronously waiting for the Task
to return, it can't execute the pending continuation callback.
Now the Task
must wait for the caller thread to be ready/responsive (finished with the synchronous waiting) to execute the continuation.
a) and b) describe the mutual exclusive situation that finally locks both the caller and the thread pool thread: the caller thread is waiting for the Task
, and the Task
is waiting for the caller thread. Both wait for each other indefinitely. This is the deadlock. If the caller thread is the main thread then the complete application is deadlocked and hangs.
Because the example used Task.Wait
in one place and Task.Result
in another, it has created two potential deadlock situations:
From Microsoft Docs:
Accessing the property's [
] get accessor blocks the calling thread until the asynchronous operation is complete; it is equivalent to calling the Wait method.
creates the third potential deadlock.
To fix the deadlock we can use async/await
(recommend) or ConfigreAwait(false)
is the implicit default: the continuation callback is always executed on the captured SynchronizationConext
instructs await
(the state machine) to execute the continuation callback on the current thread pool thread of the awaited Task
. It configures await
to ignore the captured SynchronizationContext
basically wraps the original Task
to create a replacement Task
that causes await
to not enqueue the continuation callback on the captured SyncronizationContext
It's recommended to always use ConfigreAwait(false)
where executing the callback on the caller thread is not required (this is the case for library code or non UI code in general). This is because ConfigreAwait(false)
improves the performance of your code as it avoids the overhead introduced by registering the callback.
should be used on the complete call tree (on every await
not only the first).
Note, there are exceptions where the callback still executes on the caller's SynchronizationContext
, for example when awaiting an already completed Task
public async Task RetryableInvokeAsync()
// Awaiting the Task always guarantees the caller thread to remain responsive.
// It can temporarily leave the context and will therefore not block it.
string textMessage = await FunctionAsync();
// **Only** if the awaited Task was configured
// to not execute the continuation on the caller's SnchronizationContext
// by using ConfigureAwait(false), the caller can use
// Wait(), GetAwaiter().GetResult() or access the Result property
// without creating a deadlock
string textMessage = FunctionAsync.Result;
private async Task<string> FunctionAsync()
// Because the awaited Task is configured to not use the caller's SynchronizationContext by using ConfigureAwait(false),
// the Task don't need to return to the captured context
// ==> no deadlock potential
string someText = await Task.Run(
() =>
/* Background thread context */
return "A message";
Code after the await is the continuation context
and is not executed on the captured SynchronizationContext.
Because ConfigureAwait is explicitly set to false,
the continuation is the same as the context of the background thread.
Additionally, ConfigureAwait(false) has improved the performance
of the async code.
// The following lines will always execute
// after the awaited Task has ran to completion
someText += " More text";
return someText;