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CodePipeline: ECR source + ECS deploy configuration

Basically, I need to configure CI/CD with bitbucket source code to ECS containers. I want to use CodePipline to deploy new ECR image to ECS.

Currently, there is no option in AWS CodePipline to specify bitbucket as the source. However, I've managed to configure CodeBuild with webhooks so it builds docker file and pushes it to ECR on every push to release branch.

I want to configure ECR as the "source" stage in CodePipline and deploy it to existing ECS cluster/service so deploy will be automated.

  • I specified "Amazon ECR" as action provider with "image_details" output artifact in source stage.
  • I specified "Amazon ECS" (not "Amazon ECS (Blue/Green)") as an action provider for deploy stage with "image_details" as input artifact


Unfortunately, basic configuration and artifact chaining results if following error in the deploy step:

Invalid action configuration
The image definition file imageDetail.json contains invalid JSON format

Though "Amazon ECR" stage provides imageDetail.json as an output artifact, it does not seem to be expected for "Amazon ECS" deploy provider. Is there any rational way to get around this issue?

I'm aware, that it is possible to configure CI/CD with bitbucket + API Gateway/Lambda + CodePipeline, I also consider using CodeCommit instead of bitbucket as the source repo - still, hope there is a possible elegant solution to use bitbucket with CodePipeline directly.

UPD: I've ended up with pretty nice configuration, described in this blogpost: the overall idea is to allow CodeBuild to upload source code from bitbucket to S3 and then use CodePipeline with S3 as a source to deploy new docker image to ECR and publish new task definition revision in ECS cluster. S3 is still overhead and I'm searching for a more elegant solution for the task.


  • I just recently had to solve a similar issue where I wanted to use ECR as the source of my pipeline and have it deploy the image to ECS. The solution I found was by creating 3 stages:

    • Source: ECR
    • Build: Custom code to convert the ECR artifact into an artifact that the Deploy stage would understand
    • Deploy: To ECS

    Here's the buildspec.yml file I'm using as my build stage:

    version: 0.2
          python: 3.7
          - PHP_REPOSITORY_URI=$(cat imageDetail.json | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['ImageURI'].split('@')[0])")
          - IMAGE_TAG=$(cat imageDetail.json | python -c "import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)['ImageTags'][0])")
          - echo Writing image definitions file...
          - printf '[{"name":"container","imageUri":"%s"}]' $PHP_REPOSITORY_URI:$IMAGE_TAG > imagedefinitions.json
        files: imagedefinitions.json

    Basically what this does is read the imageDetail.json file and extract the ECR repository URL and TAG and output a json file formatted for the ECS Deploy stage, which is just a standard stage without customization.