Our third party API provides two different web services but have identical methods, models. Nevertheless they only differ on URIs (Web Service Path, Action Path [Operation Contract].
So I have decided to:
Generate the code from their wsdl using VS.
Edit the namespacing to use the same and to be "Common" and not use the service reference instead i use the Reference.cs edited code.
Create a new proxy that will handle the correct URI of the service to use (wrapped the Reference.cs inside of it).
Now, I having an issue with the "Method1", because they have different Action Name. Having an exception of:
"Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: http://www.api.com/service/Method1"
I just notice that it the correct action name is: http://www.api.com/service1/Method1
The question now is, is there any configuration or behavior that i can use to correct the action name for each method for each service?
Or as long as they keep on adding contracts for each implementation of the API, i should also keep on adding the contracts for each, and just use the ChannelFactory for this?
Please help, thanks.
I ended up directly using the ChannelFactory
when faced with the same problem
In my implementation, I had a base interface that had all the common methods to the 2 APIs. Then I had 2 seperate intefaces - one for each 3-rd party API version - that inherits from the base interface and adds methods and [OperationContract]
attributes that varied between the two implementations.
When instantianting ChannelFactory<>
I used one of the child interfaces. Helped to keep the consumer code clean and maintainable