I have a dataframe as shown below:
df1<- data.frame(Hour=c(0,6,12,18,24,0,6,12,18,24),
Hour meanType mean Se
1 0 mean_A 7.3 1.3
2 6 mean_A 6.8 2.1
3 12 mean_A 8.9 0.9
4 18 mean_A 3.4 3.2
5 24 mean_A 12.1 0.8
6 0 mean_B 6.3 0.9
7 6 mean_B 8.2 0.3
8 12 mean_B 3.1 1.8
9 18 mean_B 4.8 1.1
10 24 mean_B 13.2 1.3
I want to create a barplot in which the hours in the X-axis represent the real hours that appears in the dataframe and I also want to add an error bar on each bar indicating the error associated to each mean.
This is what I have got so far:
geom_bar(aes(x=Hour, y=mean, fill=meanType),stat="identity",position="dodge")+
geom_errorbar(aes(x=Hour,y=mean,ymin=mean-Se, ymax=mean+Se), width=0.4, colour="orange", alpha=0.9, size=0.5)
However, I don't know why but the error bars are not well adjusted and in the X-axis the hours appear to be "random" (not the hours that I really have in my dataframe).
Does anyone know how to fix these problems?
There are two problems with the code in the question.
axis must be discrete for all values to be labeled. This is solved by coercing Hour
to class "factor"
.So the rest of the code is more or less the same, with the repeated aes
removed whenever they are the same.
Plot1 <- ggplot(df1, aes(factor(Hour), mean, fill = meanType)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge()) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - Se, ymax = mean + Se),
position = position_dodge(0.9),
width = 0.4, colour = "orange",
alpha = 0.9, size = 0.5)