I have an Android App with a Banner Ad in it. I only put in the AdView element into the LinearLayout after I have checked ads are meant to be displayed.
However, the user can purchase NoAds during the run time of the program. This means I have to safely stop the ad and remove the Adview from the program without falling foul of Admob rules where you cannot hide adverts.
Here is my code, but I am very unsure about the section in the if
statement on the line if (mAdView != null) { // It might not be created yet
Is that just hiding it, not removing it completely?:
public void turnAdvertsOnOff(boolean on) {
advertsOn = on;
// IMPORTANT - changes to layout must be done on the UI Thread or will get error
m_Context.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
LinearLayout myLayout;
// NEW
//AdView mAdView;
myLayout = (LinearLayout) m_Context.findViewById(R.id.myLayout);
//mAdView = (AdView) m_Context.findViewById(R.id.adView);
if(mAdView == null && myLayout != null) {
// Create it and add it to the LinearLayout
mAdView = new AdView(m_Context);
if (mAdView != null) mAdView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
}else {
if (mAdView != null) { // It might not be created yet
The preferred way is to remove()
the AdView
from its parent.
Why not set Visibility to GONE?
If you set the visibility to GONE, the AdView will still request the Ad Servers to fill in the Ads, so its better to completely remove the AdView
For example -
Add the AdView in you layout file, if the User has removed the Ads via IAP, just call myLayout.removeView(mAdView);
Also there's no need to call runOnUiThread()
if you are calling turnAdvertsOnOff()
from the ui thread.