I'm trying to open a modal from component and I'm calling the show method in response to another subscription if call it outside the subscription it works fine. But from subscription, the data passed to content is not being refreshed Below is an example of the code.
$subject.subscribe(res => {
const bs_modal = this._bsModalService.show(ComponentA);
bs_modal.content.data = res;
this._bsModalService.onHide.subscribe(() => {
// Modal Component
selector: 'app-modal',
template: `
<div>{{data | json}}<div>
<button (click)="hideModal()">Hide Me</button>
class ComponentA {
data: any;
res_data: any;
constructor(_bsModalRef: BsModalRef) {}
hideModal() {
this.res_data = 'Testing';
On Modal Open the data
is empty and whenever I close modal the res_data
is also undefined
I have recreated your code in a stackblitz and I am able to pass data into the modal after tweaking a few things: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-37iw9w
Ensure these things:
This is under the presumption, based on the code samples you have given, that they are belong in one module.