I am trying to produce some powerpoint reports with OfficeR, but am having trouble saving the results to a file.
I am able to process the data and fill the placeholders. The content that is intended for the placeholders is shown when I use slide_summary()
, but it is not visible in the output file.
My code looks like this:
# read template
pptx <- read_pptx("sample_pptx.pptx")
# open slide 5
slide <- on_slide(pptx, 5)
# add text to pre-existing placeholder
ph_add_text(slide, str = "sample_text", ph_label = "sample_ph")
# check content of slide
# save presentation
print(pptx, target = "outfile.pptx")
> slide_summary(slide)
type id ph_label offx offy cx cy text
1 body 2 sample_ph NA NA NA NA sample_text
> print(pptx, target = "outfile.pptx")
[1] "C:/Users/mhuber/OfficeR/outfile.pptx"
What ever I do, the text never shows up in my outfile.
Until David figures this out, the following workaround functions just fine and doesn't seem to affect performance much (obviously instead of accessing an existing slide, a new one needs to be created from an existing layout, in which the placeholder needs to be present):
# read template
pptx <- read_pptx("sample_pptx.pptx")
# create new slide
pptx <- add_slide(pptx, layout="sample_layout", master="sample_master")
# add text to pre-existing placeholder
ph_with(pptx, value = "sample_text", location = ph_location_label(ph_label = "sample_ph"))
# move slide from end to desired position ( in this case 5)
move_slide(pptx, index=length(pptx), to=5)
# save presentation
print(pptx, target = "outfile.pptx")
It gets more tricky if you don't have an existing layout that suits your needs, but this worked for my case and hopefully it does for others as well.