What I'm trying to test is to access some routes but these routes are in laratrust role middleware this role is the auth user must be super admin to go in this routes my problem is I don't know how to write this function.
I tried to make the user super admin in the test function like this
public function Test()
$user = factory(User::class)->create();
$this->actingAs($user, 'api');
$response = $this->json('GET', 'api/users');
but it didn't work even I checked the data base this user is superadministrator and the test give like I'm not super admin
This is my api routes:
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api', 'role:superadministrator']],
Route::apiResource('users', 'UserController');
This is my index function in UserController:
public function index()
return Response()->json(User::all, 200);
What I'm expect is a function can access this route because there is more routes in this group and the rest of the tests depends on this function
I've never used Laratrust, but after a quick look at its source code, it looks like the issue is that you need to specify the api
guard on your role
middleware check. Add ,guard:api
to your role
Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:api', 'role:superadministrator,guard:api']], function() {
Route::apiResource('users', 'UserController');
In the role
middleware check, if you don't specify the guard, it will use the default guard defined in your auth config (which is web
if you haven't changed it). So, the middleware will be looking for the user from the web
auth guard, which doesn't exist.
The good news is, your test worked! It found a bug in your route definition.