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How to make lock / critical section in embedded ANSI C?

I have code like this: (very simplified code)

// This is code for Microchip 8-bit microcontroller, XC8 compiler (GCC based)

#define TIMER_COUNT 8;
volatile uint16_t timer_values[TIMER_COUNT];
volatile uint16_t timer_max_values[TIMER_COUNT];

// executes every 100ms
void timer1_interrupt_handler()
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < TIMER_COUNT ; i++){

void main(){

    // (...) some initialization, peripherial and interrupt handler setup

        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < TIMER_COUNT ; i++) {

            // what if interrupt happens in the middle of comparison?
            if (timer_values[i] >= timer_max_values[i]) 
                 timer_values[i] = 0;   // reset timer


The problem with this is that this is 8-bit microcontroller and when interrupt happens in the middle of non-atomic operation on 16 bit variable:

timer_values[i] >= timer_max_values[i]

or this:

timer_values[i] = 0; 

it is possible, that half of uint16_t will be rewriteen by interrupt handler and everything is messed up.

This is not RTOS, so I have no builtin locks.

What can I do? How to make lock from scratch?

I was thinking about creating "critical section" like this:

GlobalInterruptsDisable();     // enter critical section

if (timer_values[i] >= timer_max_values[i]) 
    timer_values[i] = 0;   // reset timer
    GlobalInterruptsEnable();     // exit critical section

but I'm afraid that I will skip some interrupts meanwhile (I'm using 2 timers, 2 UARTs, and I2C interrupts) and something else will mess up.

Additional question:

If I disable interrupts for about 20-30 processor cycles and then some data comes to UART - I will skip this data or interrupt handler will execute later after I enable interrupts?


  • You could write a function for a save parameter copy which stops the interrupt, do the copy and then restart the interrupt.

    #define protectedXfer(destination, source) protectedMemcpy(&(destination), \
                                                              &(source), \
    void protectedMemcpy(void *destination, const void *source, size_t num)
        int volatile oldIpl;
        oldIpl = SRbits.IPL;
        SRbits.IPL2 = 1; // If an Interrupt occurs here
        SRbits.IPL1 = 1; // the IPL bits are saved/restored
        SRbits.IPL0 = 1; // from the stack
        memcpy(destination, source, num);
        SRbits.IPL = oldIpl;

    Know you can do a save transfer from your timer values and check afterwards.

    protectedXfer(destinaion, source);