I currently have several files in a folder. It contains everyday updates on stock. It's looked like this.
Onhand Harian 12 Juli 2019.xlsx
Onhand Harian 13 Juli 2019.xlsx
Onhand Harian 14 Juli 2019.xlsx... and so on.
I would like to read ONLY the latest excel file by using the date on the file name. How to done this? thanx in advance
If all of your files contain the same name, you can do
#List all the file names in the folder
file_names <- list.files("/path/to/folder/", full.names = TRUE)
#Remove all unwanted characters and keep only the date
#Convert the date string to actual Date object
#Sort them and take the latest file
file_to_read <- file_names[order(as.Date(sub("Onhand Harian ", "",
sub(".xlsx$", "", basename(file_names))), "%d %B %Y"), decreasing = TRUE)[1]]
Apparently, if your files are generated everyday you can also select them based on their creation or modification time using file.info
? Details in the post.