I have a table with around 270,000,000 rows and this is how I created it.
CREATE TABLE init_package_details AS
SELECT pcont.package_content_id as package_content_id,
pcont.activity_id as activity_id,
pc.org_id as org_id,
pc.bed_type as bed_type,
pc.is_override as is_override,
pmmap.package_id as package_id,
pcont.activity_qty as activity_qty,
pcont.charge_head as charge_head,
pcont.activity_charge as charge,
COALESCE(pc.charge,0) - COALESCE(pc.discount,0) as package_charge
FROM a pc
JOIN b od ON
(od.org_id = pc.org_id AND od.status='A')
JOIN c pm ON
JOIN d pmmap ON
JOIN e pcont ON
I need to build index on the init_package_details
This table is getting created at around 5-6 mins.
I have created btree index like,
CREATE INDEX init_package_details_package_content_id_idx
ON init_package_details(package_content_id);`
which is taking 10 mins (More than the time to create and populate the table itself)
And, when I create another index like,
CREATE INDEX init_package_details_package_act_org_bt_id_idx
ON init_package_details(activity_id,org_id,bed_type);
It just freezes and taking forever to complete. I waited for around 30 mins before I manually cancelled it.
Below are stats from iotop -o
if it helps,
Could someone explain Why is this happening? Is there anyway I can speedup the index creations here?
EDIT 1: There are no other connections accessing the table. And, pg_stat_activity
shows active
as status throughout the running time. This happens inside a transaction (this is happening between BEGIN
, it contains many other scripts in same .sql
postgres=# show work_mem ;
(1 row)
postgres=# show maintenance_work_mem;
Building indexes takes a long time, that's normal.
If you are not bottlenecked on I/O, you are probably on CPU.
There are a few things to improve the performance:
Set maintenance_work_mem
very high.
Use PostgreSQL v11 or better, where several parallel workers can be used.