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Updating RDS Engine Version (Minor) via cloudformation - Immediate or during next window?

Currently using AWS RDS PostgreSQL 10.6 and would like to upgrade to 10.9. We're using Cloudformation templates, and I would like to schedule the upgrade to the next maintenance window, instead of immediately.

From the RDS FAQs:

By default, the upgrade will be applied or during your next maintenance window. You can also choose to upgrade immediately by selecting the Apply Immediately option in the console API.

From this I understand that by default, changes will applied to your next maintenance window unless specified to apply immediately.

That said - If I update my RDS Cloudformation template, will it apply immediately or during the maintenance window? Is there a way to specify it to update during the maintenance window?



  • You should definitely try this in your dev environment before doing it in production. Updating EngineVersion through CloudFormation does currently NOT work like the console. If I recall correctly, CloudFormation will replace your existing instance.