I'm working on a PowerApp which need to generate and print the barcodes. Currently, I've generated barcodes using web API which is returning me the barcode as a PNG image. Now, need to print this barcode from printer. I search much on this and couldn't find the solution yet , I found some posts like https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/PowerApps-Ideas/Printing/idi-p/846 , saying that printing is not available now. But, it is a old post, I need the latest update on printing and when it will be available. Also please let me know any other way around to achieve printing from the PowerApp, so I could instantly print the barcodes.
Its not a way to directly print, but you could:
Use Flow to call the barcode API and convert the .png to .pdf using the OneDrive Actions
Use Flow to call the bacrcode API and convert the .png to .pnf then email it to user so they can print.
Hope this helps!