I'm using Azure Microsoft Custom Vision. I've already created my algorithm, and what I need now is the URL of my predicted images. I'm aware that I can get the training images with methods written in Training API (get_tagged_images), but now I'm trying to get the URL of the prediction image. In the Prediction API, there are no getters.
If I inspect the predicted image in Azure Custom Vision Portal, I can find the blob URL, but I'm unable to get that URL through a method.
How can I get the predicted image URL?
The images are available through the QueryPredictions
API in the Training API.
The REST documentation is here.
The Python documentation is here.
Here's what your code might look like:
from azure.cognitiveservices.vision.customvision.training import CustomVisionTrainingClient
from azure.cognitiveservices.vision.customvision.training.models import PredictionQueryToken
# Set your region
endpoint = 'https://<your region>.api.cognitive.microsoft.com'
# Set your Training API key
training_key = '<your training key>'
# Set your Project ID
project_id = '<your project id>'
# Query the stored prediction images
trainer = CustomVisionTrainingClient(training_key, endpoint=endpoint)
token = PredictionQueryToken()
response = trainer.query_predictions(project_id, token)
# Get the image URLs, for example
urls = [result.original_image_uri for result in response.results]