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How to fix "libtensorflow DllNotFoundException" when I already have the file?

I'm new to C# and I've been researching this error for a long time.

I wanted to use my trained TensorFlow model with Tensorflowsharp in Visual Studio for Mac so I created a .NET console project and installed TensorflowSharp 1.13.0 from using the built-in package manager.

However, when I included the following code in Program.cs

using System;
using TensorFlow;

namespace ai
    class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var graph = new TFGraph();

I got this error message:

Unhandled Exception:
System.DllNotFoundException: libtensorflow
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) TensorFlow.TFGraph.TF_NewGraph()
  at TensorFlow.TFGraph..ctor () [0x00022] in <a8cd6d02fde04a81817b4f25d24a7be9>:0

According to some of the posts that I found, this might states that libtensorflow.dylib is not in bin/Debug/ directory, but when I looked into it I found the file inside.

What am I doing wrong?

My environment setup:

  • Mac OSX 10.14
  • Visual Studio for Mac COMMUNITY 7.7.4(build 1)
  • Target framework: .NET 4.7.1

Thank you so much for any help!


  • Try change to 64 bit.

    This may not correct answer to you. But give a try. I dont have mac environment. But I tried woth .net core and TensorflowSharp and it works fine. Same time I tried with .net framework and I also got dll not found issue and BadImageFormatException.