I have a SAS data set that contains a column of numbers ranging from -2000 to 4000. I want to select 37 random samples based on the following conditions. If num between -2000 to -1000, randomly select 10 samples from this range, if num between -1000 to 0, randomly select 15 sample from this range, if num between 0 to 1000, randomly select 12 samples from this range,
I've tried the following:
proc surveyselect data=save.table
method=srs n=37 out=save.table_sample seed=1953;
But this would give me random 37 samples from the whole population. I want to randomly select according the data range.
Please help with SAS code, thanks so much in advance!
Create a grouping variable in your data set that you can use to group analysis.
data output;
set save.table;
if number < -1000 then group=1;
else if number < 0 then group=2;
else if number < 1000 then group=3;
Use PROC SURVEYSELECT with either a data set that has the same variable, GROUP, as well as the sample size or list the sample size in the PROC SURVEYSELECT.
proc surveyselect data=output
method=srs n=37 out=save.table_sample seed=1953 sampsize=(37 15 12);
strata group;
Couldn't test because no sample data was provided, so here's an example using SASHELP.HEART
proc sort data=sashelp.heart out=heart; by chol_status; run;
proc surveyselect data=heart (where=(not missing(chol_status))) method=srs sampsize=(5 10 15) out=want;
strata chol_status;