I'm trying to update some legacy VB6 code by adding a simple error logging subroutine using ADO to insert a row into a SQL Server table with basic details of the error. The subroutine receives an integer parameter value (errorCode
) that identifies the error type. The error will have occurred while parsing an XML file. The XML file name (obtained via objFile.Name
) is to be logged along with the date, the user name and the errorCode
parameter value.
The code below shows where I am so far. The table I'm trying to INSERT INTO looks like this:
[errorLogID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[runDate] [datetime2](0) NULL,
[runBy] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[xmlFileWithError] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
[errorCode] [int] NULL)
Sub writeErrorLog(errorCode As Integer)
strSQL = "INSERT INTO dbo.tblXMLerrorLog (runDate, runBy, xmlFileWithError, errorCode)
VALUES(GetDate(), Current_User,?,?);"
With cmd
.CommandType = adCmdText
.CommandText = strSQL
Set par1 = .CreateParameter("@xmlFileWithError", adChar, adParamInput, 50, objFile.Name)
.Parameters.Append par1
Set par2 = .CreateParameter("@errorCode", adInteger, adParamInput, , errorCode)
.Parameters.Append par2
.ActiveConnection = Cnxn
.Execute ' update error log
.Parameters.Delete ("@xmlFileWithError")
.Parameters.Delete ("@errorCode")
End With
End Sub
When I run the code the .Execute
statement throws this error:
"Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done."
My research of that error message suggests a field size mismatch but I don't understand that. I'd appreciate any direction.
It's fixed. As explained in the comments, my main (calling) program uses a parameter. So, when my subroutine's .Execute statement was reached, there were 3 parameters instead of just 2 as I'd naively expected. The preferred solution would have been to use named parameters, as one comment suggested, but I don't think VB6 supports that; I have to reference the parameters with question mark placeholders, so their order matters. My subroutine didn't work because the unexpected first parameter (from the calling program) caused a data type mismatch when the INSERT INTO statement tried to insert the 'wrong' value into a column having a different data type. So the error message I was seeing made sense. The fix had nothing to do with the subroutine. Instead, I reworked the calling program so as to delete the first parameter before calling the subroutine. Thanks to all who helped me with this.