I'm upgrading a system that uses aws-php-sdk v2
to aws-php-sdk v3
In v2
i have something like:
$this->s3->upload($bucket, $key, $file, 'public-read');
//Where $this->s3 is a S3Client instance (from the SDK).
And it works well.
Now, after upgrading to aws-php-sdk v3
, it throws an error:
Error executing "PutObject" on "https://s3.region.amazonaws.com/folder/file.ext".
Client error:
PUT https://s3.region.amazonaws.com/folder/file.ext
resulted in a403 Forbidden
responseThe request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.
Im using the same accessKey and secret that i used in v2
As far as i know, is the PHP SDK that is responsible for signature calculation.. As i'm not doing any calculations manually.
What I'm doing wrong? Any ideas how to solve it?
Just found the answer to my problem.
The problem was: in aws-php-sdk v2
I had this code:
$bucket = "mybucketname/myfolder";
$key = "myfilename.jpg";
$upload = $this->app->S3->upload($bucket, $key, fopen( $local , 'rb'), 'public-read');
This works well and it not shows any warnings/errors, but when upgrading to aws-php-sdk v3
it doesn't work.
I just changed the $bucket
and the $key
values as:
$bucket = "mybucketname";
$key = "myfolder/myfilename.jpg";
$upload = $this->app->S3->upload($bucket, $key, fopen( $local , 'rb'), 'public-read');
And it just worked!
Its really weird that it doesnt complain in v2
but in v3