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Arguments to C++ signal show up as `undefined` inside QML when a QObject is passed by reference

I have a C++ object with a signal that I connected to a QML handler. However, even though I am passing arguments to the signal, the QML arguments show up as undefined.

With Balloon and Air as custom QObjects, I'm connecting Balloon's signal void popped(Air const& air, int volume, QString message); to a QML handler:


import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12

import ReproImpl 0.1 as Impl

Item {
    id: root
    width: 500
    height: 500

    property int sharpness: 50

    readonly property Impl.Balloon impl: Impl.Balloon {
        onPopped: {
            // Output: {}
            // TypeError: cannot read property 'type' of undefined
            console.log("Bang!", air.type, volume, message);

    Button {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Click me"

        onClicked: {


#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QObject>
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQuickView>

namespace my::ns {
    // Used as a parameter of the signal
    class Air : public QObject {
        Q_PROPERTY(QString type READ type)

        Air(QString type, QObject* parent = nullptr)
            : QObject{parent}
            , type_{type}

        Air(QObject* parent = nullptr)
            : Air{"", parent}

        QString type() const { return type_; }

        QString type_;

    class Balloon : public QObject {

        Balloon(int toughness, QObject* parent = nullptr)
            : QObject{parent}
            , toughness{toughness}

        Balloon(QObject* parent = nullptr)
            : Balloon{10, parent}

        void popped(Air const& air, int volume, QString message);

    public Q_SLOTS:
        void prick(int sharpness)
            if (sharpness > toughness) {
                Air air{"Hello"};
                Q_EMIT popped(air, 10, "POP!");

        int toughness;

    void registerModule()
        qmlRegisterModule("ReproImpl", 0, 1);
        qmlRegisterType<Air>("ReproImpl", 0, 1, "Air");
        qmlRegisterType<Balloon>("ReproImpl", 0, 1, "Balloon");
        qmlProtectModule("ReproImpl", 0);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);


    QQuickView window(QUrl("Balloon.qml"));;

    return app.exec();

#include "main.moc"

What can I do to fix this?

This occurs in Qt 5.12.0 and 5.13.0.


  • For whatever reason, QML doesn't support reference signal parameters. You are passing the air by const&:

    void popped(Air const& air, int volume, QString message);

    To get this working, you need to pass a non-const pointer:

    void popped(Air* air, int volume, QString message);
    // ...
    void prick(int sharpness)
        if (sharpness > toughness) {
            Air air{"Hello"};
            Q_EMIT popped(&air, 10, "POP!");

    Note that it is safe to pass a pointer to the stack allocated air; QML does not take ownership of it:

    When data is transferred from C++ to QML, the ownership of the data always remains with C++ [unless a QObject is returned from an explicit C++ method call].