I've build Android AOSP from master
as described on the project docs https://source.android.com/setup/build/devices#960hikey
I've changed the mk file https://android.googlesource.com/device/linaro/hikey/+/refs/heads/master/hikey960.mk#33 to add the property overrides like shown in the picture:
Flashed everything to the device and tried to connect to it like this:
$ adb kill-server
$ adb connect
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully
failed to connect to '': Connection refused
I've looked everywhere on how to enable it on the target device without lucky.
Can someone point me what may be wrong?
USB connection works perfectly and I don't have anything blocking the port like a firewall or proxy. It is all on my local wifi network...
Before you answer, please note that this is not a regular smartphone where ADB works out-of-the-box. It is Android AOSP on Hikey 960 (Google's reference board for AOSP).
Thank you! Any help would be appreciated.
Found the solution.
I don't actually need to change AOSP code at all. All I need is to boot the device with the USB-C cable and do the following:
$ adb shell
hikey960:/ $ su
hikey960:/ # setprop persist.adb.tcp.port 5555
hikey960:/ # exit
hikey960:/ $ exit
$ adb reboot
$ adb connect
connected to
(after reboot don't forget to remove the USB-C cable!)
So, in other words, we were setting the wrong prop. All props that need to persistent across reboot are prefixed with persist.
I hope it help if anyone fall in the same situation.
Thanks for the replies!