i am using MWFeedParser to read from Youtube atom feed from here: here
Xml code:
<media:thumbnail url='http://i.ytimg.com/vi/7_1PfqGVSg0/0.jpg' height='240' width='320' time='00:01:34.500'/>
how i can get the url of media:thumbnail? i tried to change in MWFeedParser.m from this:
else if ([currentPath isEqualToString:@"/feed/entry/link"]) { [self processAtomLink:currentElementAttributes andAddToMWObject:item]; processed = YES; }
to this:
else if ([currentPath isEqualToString:@"/feed/entry/media:thumbnail"]) { [self processAtomLink:currentElementAttributes andAddToMWObject:item]; processed = YES; }
but it doesn't work :(
In the section case FeedTypeAtom add the following code:
else if ([currentPath isEqualToString:@"/feed/entry/media:group/media:thumbnail"]) {
NSString *urlString = [currentElementAttributes objectForKey:@"url"];
if ( urlString != nil && urlString.length > 0)
item.thumbnail = urlString;
processed = YES;
Also add NSString *thumbnail properties to the MWFeedItem object