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Use managed service account with ELMAH to send email

Is it possible to use a Windows managed service account to send ELMAH exceptions? Here's a sample errorEmail from Web.config; would it still have a password attribute?

    <errorMail from="[email protected]" to="[email protected]" async="true" 
        subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" userName="[email protected]" 
        password="" smtpServer=""/>


  • We didn't need to use an MSA; answer was too simple: don't include the credentials in the errorMail properties:

         <errorMail from="[email protected]" to="[email protected]" 
              async="true" subject="MyApp Exception thrown: {0}" 

    Note we also changed the "from" to a fake "noreply" email, as we don't want replies. Also, we can't use a Win service account to send emails, as described by Microsoft:

    Exchange Server does not allow you to send e-mails from a managed service account on behalf of a service or application. To overcome this limitation, use the managed service account to run the service, but create a separate conventional user account for the service and configure the service to send e-mails using this account.

    That's for Server 2008 but seems to be true for the latest ones as well. Special thanks to our Ops team for this answer.