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Disable crashlytics/Fabric at runtime in iOS

I want to disable the crashlytics at run time in iOS app. I could see it is possible using the latest Firebase api. How to do this with old Fabric/Crashlytics api?

Update: My app will get locked if the user goes to background, if the app is locked then without user authentication I shouldn't call any api(http request, accessing database). So I want to restrict the crashlytics api as well. When the app comes to foreground, crashlytics/fabric calling the http request so I want to avoid this if the user is not authenticated.


  • Fabric/Firebaser here - you can conditionally choose to initialize or skip the initialization of Fabric with an opt-in flag set by your user, but there isn't a (supported) way to totally disable Crashlytics from running when it has already been initialized. There is a way, however, to control your submission behavior with Crashlytics, but might not suit your use case. Also, check out these docs for more information on the opt-in/opt-out mentioned above.