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What is an SSID REALLY?

How do WiFi chips know that a signal is an SSID?

How are SSID’s encoded to denote their signal type?

What does it take to generate an SSID?

Do I need a WiFi card to GENERATE an SSID or can the be generated and broadcasted separately?


  • SSID is an acronym meaning Service Set IDentifier, and is basically the (usually) human-readable name of a Wi-Fi network.

    It is encoded in a few packets with ASCII characters, notably in almost every beacon and probe response packet (with a few exception, for example if the network is hidden).

    So, being a name, generally it isn't "generated" but actually configured by someone, although in some cases it is automatically generated by an algorithm, for example in P2P applications such as a Wi-Fi printer with hotspot (or Wi-Fi Direct) capabilities. It is not a file, so it doesn't make sense for it to be generated and/or broadcasted.

    I hope I catched your question, if not please clarify what you're looking for.