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How to display date time as local time without the timezone at the end?

EDIT: Due to some seeming confusion, let me clarify. If at all possible I want the solution to be done IN freemarker and not in java.

I have a datetime string that looks like this: 2019-03-12T16:02:00+02:00 I have to show this in a specific format like this: EEEE dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm However, if I do it like this it shows the time as 14:02 instead of 16:02. It converts the datetime to UTC and then displays it. How do I make it display the hours and minutes as is, just without "utc" at the end? Or any timezone for that matter. Tuesday 12. March 2019 16:02 is the desired output.

I do not know the timezone of the recipient.

Using iso_local_nz gives me the american standard display which is STILL wrong.

Thank you in advance.

I have tried just about all I can think of from here:

departureScheduled?datetime.iso?string("EEEE dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mmz")?capitalize

The configuration I use is the following:

config = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_28);
config.setTemplateLoader(new S3TemplateLoader());

The string being fed in is the string I provided above.


  • This is by far not a good solution, but it works for the one case I have where the time I want to show is in the original string before it is parsed.

    departureScheduled?keep_before("+")?datetime.iso?string("EEEE dd. MMMM yyyy HH:mm")?capitalize

    Note the keep_before("+").

    The solution above works by removing whatever is after the + in 2019-03-12T16:02:00+02:00. Then, the datetime parser assumes that the time is in UTC. Thus, I avoid the entire issue by instead using a built in string manipulation function that returns the substring that will not be modified further: 2019-03-12T16:02:00(+00:00). The bracket shows how it is interpreted.

    If anybody has a better answer I will mark that as correct, but in a few days time, if no answer has been given, I will mark this as correct for anyone who might have the same problem.