I want to dynamically use some master data in noflo components. For example In my graph I will use same component in different ids. based on that I will also change the data. How to access the metada in graph into my component?
"processes": {
"Foo": { "component": "Bar", "metadata": { "display": { "x": 100, "y": 200 }, "hello": "World" } },
"Bar": { "component": "Baz", "metadata": {} },
"Bar2": { "component": "bar", "metadata": {} },
"Bar3": { "component": "bar2", "metadata": {} }
For example if this is a graph, how to access the metadata in my component? I'm using nodejs to build the custom components
You cannot access the graph, or the metadata from a component. Input data must be passed in via the inports.
If the data of interest is configuration and is normally set once, you can use a non-triggering port.